The Adult Learner Advancing Instructor Development
Effective communication and continuous improvement serve at the heart of all successful organizations. How we teach and learn everything, from new technologies, the latest case law on constitutional issues, firearms and defensive tactics to leadership and ethics, requires a strong focus on how we present, teach, and enculturate these new skills. It requires a change in the way we think about communication.
In this 2 ½ day, highly engaging class, we focus on classroom teaching and management strategies, but we also explore many other contexts in which teaching occurs. Maybe the Captain has asked you to discuss the Carroll Doctrine and vehicle searches at roll call next week. Perhaps you have been tasked to explain the new accreditation process to all first line supervisors in your agency. Maybe you are presenting to your Citizen’s Academy, a faith-based organization, or city council. Regardless of the context, your ability to connect with your audience is paramount. Ideas are currency in today’s economy. You must be able to impact people with these ideas in ways that changes lives.
Throughout the course, we address instructor competencies from public speaking to preparation before the presentation to classroom management. We focus on the nuances of adult learning and strategies to connect with different people in different ways. We know most adults share common learning characteristics. They generally bring a high level of motivation but, almost ironically, are more resistant to actual change in their perspectives and behaviors. Most adults tend to value integrating their life experiences into the learning. And most adults want to see a practical application of the learning. Yet, the differences in how each of us gathers and digests information are vast. Each of us has distinct and unique learning preferences. Some students like to sit quietly and take notes. Some like to talk and interact throughout the class. Some prefer audio cues while others like visual. Some like to learn alone, and others prefer a group. The class discussions and activities in this course incorporate a multitude of instructional strategies such as lecture, facilitation, group breakouts and share backs, and a variety of exercises to get people moving and engaged regardless of their individual learning preferences. No matter what level communicator you are at work or home, what size audience you may have, or the nature of your topic, this class will significantly expand your abilities to connect with your audience on a deeper and more profound level.
〥Very rare to be in a class where I was engaged every minute.
〥Thank you for the, thank you for the experience!
〥Been there and done that as far as taking a variety of instructor and advanced instructor courses over the past 25 years. Truly the best class I have ever attended.